January 22, 2025


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The Influence of the US Far Right on Ireland Is Growing

2 min read
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The Influence of the US Far Right on Ireland Is Growing

In recent years, the influence of the far right in the United States has extended its reach to countries around the world, including Ireland.

The rise of far-right ideologies and movements in the US has emboldened similar groups in Ireland, leading to increased visibility and support for their ideologies.

The spread of misinformation, hate speech, and extremist beliefs through social media and online platforms has contributed to the growth of the far right in both countries.

Recent events such as the rise of conspiracy theories, anti-immigrant sentiment, and nationalist rhetoric have all been amplified by the far right in the US and have found traction in Ireland as well.

Some Irish far-right groups have even sought to establish connections with US-based organizations and individuals, further solidifying their influence and expanding their networks.

The influence of the US far right on Ireland is especially concerning given the historical ties between the two countries and the potential for these ideologies to undermine progressive values and threaten societal cohesion.

Efforts to counter this influence include education, media literacy, and promoting inclusive and tolerant values that reject hate and discrimination.

It is crucial for policymakers, civil society organizations, and individuals to remain vigilant and actively combat the spread of far-right ideologies in Ireland and around the world.

By acknowledging the growing influence of the US far right in Ireland and taking proactive measures to address it, we can work towards a more just and equitable society for all.

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